Where to get unique Bougainvillea

Bougainvillea is a genus of thorny ornamental vines, bushes, and trees with flower-like spring leaves near its flowers. Different authors accept between four and 18 species in the genus. The name comes from Louis Antoine de Bougainville, an admiral who discovered the plant in Brazil in 1768.

Due to their ease of care and propagation, as well as their tolerance for drought, bougainvillaea are a very popular landscaping plant in subtropical and tropical climates but will survive brief drops below freezing. For example, Locarno in Switzerland has displayed two large specimens outside the Villa Mairea (Alvar Aalto) since 1950. They are now about 25 m high and have been pollarded to form a tree.

The plants are relatively pest free, have no major disease problems, and tolerate light frost with little damage to the plant. Their high salt tolerance makes them ideal for planting around coastal areas. In the landscape, it makes an excellent hot season plant, and its drought tolerance makes it ideal for warm climates year-

I fell in love with this plant a few years back but I noticed it is not easy to find unique varieties, finally I found a fantastic place that stocks some unique variety and they are very good in shipping in Europe

Lots of photos and nice descriptions of the flowers

My favourite bougainvillaea is white, but they have also other colours.


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